Health Policy
It is the philosophy of The Children’s Center at Purchase College that good health is a basic necessity for a child’s success and happiness. Based on this, we believe in and encourage every effort to provide the children, staff, and parents with the support needed to prevent illness and maintain optimum wellness.
The Children’s Center at Purchase College will serve
Well Children
If a child comes to school when he/she is not feeling well, he/she will be vulnerable to infection. It is in the best interest of the other children and staff of The Children’s Center at Purchase College to send the child home when he/she is ill. A child needs to be well to participate in the program.
If a child has an elevated temperature he/she should not come to school. In order for the child to come back to school the child must be fever free for 24 hours. If a child is well enough to come to school, we will expect him/her to go outside with the class, weather permitting. If a child becomes ill while at school, the parents will be notified to pick the child up promptly.
If a child is sent home because of an infectious disease, he/she will need a doctor’s note to return to school.
Parents are informed of The Children’s Center at Purchase College’s illness policy at time of admission into the program and in the Parent Handbook.